
by Robin dit Dessaint


Here is the Laurel scroll I did for Ursion de Gui.
He is a fan of St-Michel & St-Louis. So I started looking for images of them and I found Stained glasses.
Vitrail néogothique dans l'église Saint-Martin de Florac.
And I decided to make the scroll look like a Stained glasses.
I used Ink and gouache and you can see a few of the step I did.

The next one is a Pelican for Maestra Alisay de Falaise
She like the Bayeux Tapestry and visited Bayeux. So I designed her with the King and Pelican. Also she like cats, she is a Laurel from Havre des glaces (the wave white and blue) and also Baron Godfreoy with his shield.
And I painted it to look like the Bayeux Stitch.
All in gouache and made it a book that has the scroll in the first part, and the rest of the book is her vigil book.

The cover is leather and the Pelican is like a Fleur de Lys because she is french from Quebec.
There is a Crown, she is Baron and Laurel.